Ability One
People who are blind working in the Ability One Program fill a wide range of positions, from manufacturing, to customer service, to closing contracts for the U.S. Department of Defense.
AbilityOne Program Mission
The AbilityOne® Program provides training and employment opportunities for people who are blind or have significant disabilities. The program serves federal government customers by providing them with high quality products and services, delivered on time at fair market prices. The program is the nation’s largest single provider of jobs for people who are blind or have significant disabilities.
Brief History of AbilityOne Program
In 1938, the Wagner-O’Day Act was passed under President Franklin D. Roosevelt to provide employment opportunities for people who are blind. The law requires that the federal government purchase specified products made by nonprofit agencies employing people who are blind. Due to the program’s success, the law was amended in 1971 as the Javits-Wagner-O’Day (JWOD) Act, allowing people with severe disabilities to participate, and calling for the provision of services to the federal government.
Federal Acquisition Regulations
Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Subpart 8.7 provides details on the AbilityOne Program’s mandatory status. Follow this link to the FAR to learn more: http://www.acquisition.gov/far/current/html/Subpart%208_7.html
Benefits of the AbilityOne Program for the purchaser/earth/country
- AbilityOne employees provide thousands of products and services to federal government customers. These products and services have created nearly 50,000 jobs for people who are blind or have significant disabilities right here in America.
- Employees gain greater independence, self-esteem, and confidence; and acquire new skills and work experiences that can lead to opportunities for advancement.
- Federal and state governments and American taxpayers benefit from the employment of thousands of people who might otherwise be dependent on public assistance.
- With the participation of more of its citizens in the workplace, every community benefits from greater cultural diversity and awareness, and a highly motivated workforce.
- Many AbilityOne products and services are environmentally friendly. The AbilityOne Program plays a key role in helping the government accomplish its role of creating cleaner, healthier, safer workplaces.